Sunday, November 7, 2010

Low Fat Latte Recipe I Love

Every morning I get up and make a "power" drink. Some call it a Latte, its so simple and inexpensive, anyone can enjoy it.
It makes a great low call breakfast, actually.
Start the tea kettle with at least 16 ounces of water.
While that's coming to a boil, measure into a 16 ounce coffee mug
2 Teaspoons instant coffee
2 Teaspoons cocoa powder (I use the dark Hershey's blend)
1/3 cup powdered non fat milk
dash of salt
2 packages artificial sweetener
Stir those ingredients a bit, add the super hot water, and stir well.
This concoction has 90 calories, 9 grams of protein, 30% of recommended daily calcium, and a lot of caffeine (high source of fiber and anti-oxidants from cocoa powder and coffee).
If you like, add a dash of almond extract, vanilla extract, or even peppermint extract, found in the baking aisle. This gives it a very gourmet taste.
Of course, you could start with a mug of brewed coffee, and add the cocoa, sweetener, and milk to it at home. The above recipe can be used on the trail as a great backpacking drink as well.

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