Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yellowstone Lake in Winter

There are so many photo opps here at Lake. I take the camera out on my days off, skiing the trails and roads I hiked in summer. Sometimes its a branch holding the snow to the sunlight that catches my attention.
Sometimes its the tracks heading uphill, seemingly appearing out of now where, ending no where. Of course, that's not the case. Wind funnels through a pass, blowing snow, obscuring details and tracks within minutes. I carry a survival pack every time I go out. White outs are not unheard of.
Peering out on a still liquid lake, I love the solitude of a solo ski adventure. The superintendent has asked me to let him know when I go, and what direction, just in case. I admitted many times I don't know where I'm heading til I get there. He said, then just a general direction, and he knows I know the area better than just your average cook. I summer here as well.

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